A-to-Be participated in the first test event of C-Roads project
Last November 11/12, A-to-Be participated in the first test event of C-Roads project.
This test event allowed the validation of interoperability between the Vehicle-to-Everything (V2X) communication solutions from four different project partners: A-to-Be/BCR, SCUTVIAS/Allbesmart, GMV, and Infraestruturas de Portugal.
This event took place in the Lisbon region, involving 6 connected vehicles, 38 road-side communication units along 77,2 km of A9, IC17, IC19, 2a Circular, and N6.
The tests covered communications between vehicles (V2V), from infrastructure to vehicles (I2V), and from vehicles to infrastructure (V2I) in a wide range of usage scenarios like road weather warnings, road works, accidents, and infrastructure information.
A-to-Be used its original solutions for all the tested components, namely the central system (A-to-Be MOBICS), the roadside and in-vehicle units (OBU and RSU), and the human interface in the vehicle (A-to-Be V2X App).