The Commitment
A-to-Be organization reflects the values of high quality throughout its entire value chain, ranging from Research, Product Development to Delivery. This is evident in our certifications for Quality (ISO 9001), Environment (ISO 14001), Innovation (NP 4457), Information Security (ISO 27001), and Health & Safety (ISO 45001).

Environmental Responsibility
A-to-Be Environment Management System covers all tasks, products, and services developed, considering the life-cycle perspective. It allows control of the most significant environmental impacts and gives continuity to the commitments assumed in our Quality and Environment Policy.
Certification: NP EN ISO 14001:2015 since June 2006
Certificate of Registration PT06/01845
“Quality, Environment, Information Security and Health and Safety Policy”
“Política de Qualidade, Ambiente, Segurança da Informação e Segurança e Saúde no Trabalho”
For A-to-Be, the main environmental aspects are passed into our network of partners and suppliers, monitoring their performance on price, deadline fulfillment, environmental practices, technical assistance and quality service.
A Culture of Innovation
Getting involved with universities, research centers and startups —that’s how A-to-Be has maintained being on the cutting edge of technology in the mobility field, promoting sustainable growth around us.
Certification: NP EN 4457:2007 (since November 2007)
Certificate of Registration PT07/02226
Política da Inovação [PT version]
Innovation Policy [UK version]
Information Security
A-to-Be obtained the ISO 27001 certification in Information Security Management Systems, granted for the first time to a Brisa Group company. With this certification, A-to-Be reinforces the protection and proper treatment of sensitive information and intellectual property.
Certification: NP EN ISO 27001:2013 (since February 2022)
Health & Safety
At A-to-Be, our foremost commitment is to our people, their safety, and overall well-being. We firmly believe that enhancing knowledge and raising awareness of procedures plays a pivotal role in risk control.
Certification: NP EN ISO 45001:2019 (since July 2023)