Smart Drive Project
We are very proud to be part of Via Verde Portugal and Fidelidade project – Smart Drive. A-to-Be was the technology partner that developed the mobile app and the backoffice platform for this project.
The Smart Drive product is based on A-to-Be MoveBeyond platform and it was the first time that this solution was used outside the traditional toll collection and mobility areas. For this project, the platform was configured to support business rules in the telematics insurance market, ensuring the processing of all customer trips, communication with customers, and the articulation with the multiple partners involved in this service. All supported in a workflow system powered by MoveBeyond components.
Smart Drive App will allow each individual driver to have a customized insurance proposal based on driving profile. By collecting probe data using GPS and vehicle telemetric – via mobile app, custom develop by A-to-Be – the driver will be able to receive an insurance proposal best suited to your driving style.
This is road safety. This is A-to-Be moving beyond.