Tunnel Vision

Multiple tunnel implementation of A-to-Be ATLAS

A-to-Be has multiple tunnel automation and telematics systems delivered in recent years, of which the following are a short selection. This enabled that  clients could now manage tunnels in a unified way together with the remaining infrastructure, thanks to A-to-Be ATLAS™.


  1. Gardunha Tunnel, Portugal, 2014
    A-to-Be created and installed a VoIP based segmented broadcasting system for the SCUTvias’ tunnel in Gardunha, (Fundão, Portugal). This project included a maintenance contract currently in effect since January 2014.
  2. Tunnel network for Brisa, Portugal, 2010
    A-to-Be delivered a multitude of automation systems in Montemor tunnel — closed circuit video cameras, emergency call boxes, variable message signs —, all integrated with the central system — A-to-Be ATLAS™, all currently in operation in Montemor, Mato Forte, Carenque, and Águas Santas. On a later project phase additional systems were integrated in ATLAS, namely ventilation, lighting, energy, fire detection, and signage. In Mato Forte tunnel a broadcast system was delivered and integrated.
  3. Tunnel integrated network for AELO and AEDL, Portugal, 2011
    Using its ATLAS tunnel module, A-to-Be was awarded a contract for the integration and supply of tunnel automation systems, with the following components — CCTV, emergency boxes, Variable message signs, lane and speed control signals — delivered in the three tunnels of Telheiro, Covelo and Seixo Alvo, as well as the urban tunnels of Soares dos Reis and Avenida da República.
  4. Tornada tunnel for AEA, Portugal , 2011
    A-to-Be also integrated automation systems for CCTV, variable message signs, lane control signals at Tornada and Cela Velha tunnels for AEA (Auto-estradas do Atlântico).

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Tunnel Vision
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