A-to-Be drives innovation in telematics with MoveBeyond back office
Ana Martins Ferreira, Filipe Coelho, Pedro ReyA-to-Be MoveBeyond™ is a platform for an integrated back office that combines operational excellence with commercial reliability to offer a seamless user experience. The architecture is modular, lean, highly configurable, feature-rich, and easy to use. This paper describes the implementation of the project Smart Drive using MoveBeyond™ mobility platform. Smart Drive project was born from a partnership between Brisa and Fidelidade. The goal of this project was to provide Via Verde clients, a
usage-based insurance offer by collecting client driving styles information and reward favorable drivers with discounted premiums through Fidelidade Car Insurance and toll credits through Via Verde. In this article, we will describe how we have tailored MoveBeyond™ to be used in Smart Drive and the potentialities of this platform that can be leveraged to support several types of services.