Getting involved with universities, research centres and startups — that’s how A-to-Be has been keeping on the edge of technology in the mobility field, promoting a sustainable growth around us.
Research be-ond is the brand we’ve created to honour one of our passions — research and development.
Did you know...
…we have a comprehensive collection of articles, reports and white-papers available on our website?
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Research areas
Machine Learning
An application of artificial intelligence
A-to-Be researches and develops advanced techniques for detection, classification and interpretation for the understanding of the environment using computer vision.
Distributed ledger technologies for payments and contractual data
Transport can be profoundly transformed by blockchain to allow decentralised applications to run in peer-to-peer network.
Big Data
Analyze complex data systems for the mobility environment
The existing analytical methodologies and tools for big data allow for strategic and operational management.
Dynamic Pricing
Better manage demand through pricing mechanisms
Creation and development of algorithms for the implementation of dynamic pricing.
Communication between vehicles, infrastructure and road users
Cooperative Intelligent Transport Systems (C-ITS) based on different vehicle to vehicle/infrastructure (V2X) communication technologies.
Road User Charging
Geolocation applied to dematerialized mobility solutions
Combines different technology options which assures the accuracy in determining the use of the road space over a certain area and time.
Autonomous Vehicles
CCAM at the infrastructure level for the digitization of transport
Cooperative, connected, and automated mobility (CCAM) are not only complementary technologies — they reinforce each other and will over time merge completely.
Vehicle-to-X communications
Technology for payment systems in future electronic tolling and interoperability such as DSRC, WiMax and Wireless Access for Vehicular Environment.
Innovation management
Research, Development and Innovation (RDI) management
Creation, alignment and systematic evaluation of the key aspects of the RDI process and standardization.
Research initiatives
European Projects where we are involved...
5G-MOBIX (2018-2022) | 5G-MOBIX aims at executing CCAM (Cooperative, Connected and Autonomous Mobility) trials along cross-borders and urban corridors using 5G core technological innovations. The goal is to qualify the 5G infrastructure and evaluate its benefits in the CCAM context as well as defining deployment scenarios and identifying and responding to standardization and spectrum gaps.
C-ROADS Portugal (2017-2021) | The overall objective of the project is to ensure the continuity of secured “Day-1” and “Day-1,5” C-ITS services over the Portuguese TEN-T network and on the urban nodes of Lisbon and Porto. It includes a hybrid communication solution (3G-4G/ITS-G5) and the development of the security framework.
C-Streets (2019-2023) | This project, co-financed by the European program ‘CEF Transport’, is a joint action initiative of several entities with a view to carrying out pilot projects for the implementation of C-ITS services in several urban areas. The C-STREETS project presents itself as a complementary project to another C-ITS project with strong implementation in Portugal – C-ROADS – now with a clear focus on urban areas.
TANGENT (2021-2024) | The goal of this initiative is to develop a decision-making support tool for optimizing traffic operations, in a coordinated and dynamic way from a multimodal perspective and considering automated/non-automated vehicles, passengers, and freight transport.
Did you know...
Did you know we helped in creating and establishing a standard for innovation certification for organizations 15 years ago?