Open Architecture for Road Tolling and Traffic Management Services
Lopes, Jorge; Gomes, J. Sales; Osório, A. LuísEfficient use of ITS resources, widely existing through the road network infrastructures, depends strongly on an ICT architecture that enables the efficient use of technology, information and increasingly, services available across the variety of ITS applications and systems.
Existing ITS architectures and concepts can be used to develop within a given framework [2] thereby facilitating such intersystem integration. However, these architectures typically include assumptions regarding the overall organization of systems functionality that prohibit integration of previously deployed systems without reengineering.
This paper discusses an open architecture to integrate both road tolling and traffic management operation services, based on the Intelligent Transport System Interoperability Bus (ITSIBus), a multi-technology service oriented infrastructure where specialized pluggable systems run services following a peer-to-peer architecture. Acting as a framework platform, ITS-IBus supports increasingly all middleware road side services for tolling, but also for traffic management, such variable message signs (VMS), closed-circuit television (CCTV), weather and environmental stations (WES), automatic incident detection (AID), tunnel management systems, among the others.
On top of the process chain for operation, Atlas Telematics provides application level context integration, based on a legal framework for identity, access, and logging. Atlas also provides an application interface for operation, maintenance and management, making use of services, processes or applications available anywhere in this collaborative world.